
Welcome! This website supports a ministry of sharing with others who are on a spiritual search and seeking to do this in the areas of contemplative prayer, spirituality, personal development and education. The website also offers some relevant resources and provides useful links to other websites dealing with these fields of interest. 

A brief word on myself and my background. I am an Irish member of the European Province of the Christian Brothers and over the years have gained qualifications in education, theology, spirituality, spiritual accompaniment and counselling. I also teach the enneagram and am interested in iconography. I have worked at all levels in mainstream education in Northern Ireland and now work from Dublin offering spiritual accompaniment, and a variety of retreats and workshops touching on areas of personal and spiritual development.

For further information, please follow the page headers at the top of this sheet. Thank you for visiting this site. My email address is below.

Email: denisrgleeson@gmail.com

This book is a recent publication and is available online from Amazon Books. All proceeds go to two charities in Africa.



Book from Denis Gleeson
Available from

A truly remarkable, courageous and challenging work….essential reading. Dr. Aidan Donaldson (author of “Come Follow Me: Recalling the Dangerous Memory of Jesus and the Church Today”)

fresh and incisive approach ….comprehensive and challenging book… wise, sympathetic and immensely readableProf. Anne O’Gara (President of the Marino Institute of Education)

A timely publication…. at once intimate and provocative….it presents Christianity as a relationship which profoundly alters all others. Dr. Daire Keogh (author of “Edmund Ignatius Rice”)

It would be an exciting prospect were small reading groups to form in parishes and communities and adopt this book, chapter by chapterDr. Una Agnew (author of “The Mystical Imagination of Patrick Kavanagh”)
This is a fresh look at essential Christian belief. It clears away obstacles to faith arising out of false assumptions, misconceptions of the Divine, outdated theology and inadequate views of Scripture and of morality. This is a book for religious education teachers, parents, spiritual directors and parish groups.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Denis Gleeson is a Christian Brother. He is a former teacher of religious education, secondary school principal and director of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust in Northern Ireland. He works presently as a spiritual director and retreat facilitator from Dublin, Ireland.

New CD by Denis Gleeson cfc and Fionnuala Quinn op


CD by Denis Gleeson CFC
and Fionnuala Quinn OP


Cost per CD set €15
Track 1: What is Prayer?
Track 2: Prayer as Relationship
Track 3: The Method of Centring
Track 4: Use of the Sacred Word
Track 1: Deepening the Relationship
Track 2: Centering and Lectio Divina
Track 3: The Welcoming Prayer
Track 4: The Twenty-Minute Timer

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