Centering Prayer

What is Centering Prayer?

Centering Prayer is a Christian form of prayer which does not use words and which can be easily learnt and practised by anyone. It can predispose a person towards the development of a deeper prayer life as it raises an enhanced awareness of God, self and others. It may even lead to the gift of contemplative prayer.

Centering Prayer is a receptive method of prayer as distinct from a concentrative method.The intention is to open oneself to the presence of God within and to invite God’s transformative action in one’s life. A faithful practice of Centering Prayer is a programme for spiritual growth.

An introduction to Centering Prayer can be given over a weekend or over a series of individual weekly sessions or on a retreat. Please check the Coming Events page for the next workshop or weekend or contact me directly to arrange a workshop, weekend or series of individual weekly sessions.

For more information, please log on to one of the websites below, or, to contact me, please use the email address below.

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