
An introduction to the life, work and prayer of Thomas Merton (1915–1968).

Merton was a Trappist monk, a modern mystic, a poet, a prolific spiritual writer and a social activist. He remains a major spiritual influence and a spiritual inspiration for our unashamedly secular times.

This material on Thomas Merton can be the basis of a weekend programme or six one and a half hour individual sessions or a five day retreat:

      • The life of Merton
      • Merton on God
      • Merton’s view of the person
      • War and Social Justice
      • Prayer and Contemplation
      • Inter-Faith Dialogue


Merton’s Dreams

One lovely dawn after another. Such peace! Meditation with fireflies, mist in the valley, last quarter of the moon, distant owls – gradual inner awakening and centering in peace and harmony of love and gratitude.

(Collected Poems by Thomas Merton)

Our souls rise up from our earth like Jacob waking from his dream and exclaiming: ‘Truly God is in this place and I knew it not’! God becomes the only reality, in Whom all other reality takes its proper place – and falls into insignificance.”

(New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton)

Please check the Coming Events page for the next retreat or weekend or contact me directly to arrange a workshop, weekend, retreat or series of individual weekly sessions. You will find further material on Merton on this website’s Resources Page.


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